Em Dial



1 : a Russian vehicle drawn by three horses abreast
also : a team for such a vehicle
2 : a group of three
especially : an administrative or ruling body of three

Cerberus champing at the bit or jockey,
saddle, and beast cubed. I could be trident,
my prongs slicing the meridians onto every

globe, sharpened on continental shelves.
They say that triangles are the strongest
shape, because of the way they shed force

between their sides. In theory, I could
survive for 3 Minutes without air, 3 Hours
without shelter, 3 Days without water, 3 Weeks

without food. I could delegate my branches to be
Judicial, Legislative, Executive, each with their own
mouth. The Rule of Three suggests audiences

find stories with three events or characters
more satisfying. Point me to the storybook
in which the chimera is the hero. A monster is not

a monster unless stitched of pieces with only
a hint of intention. Notice how I make myself a myth,
a weapon, a show, or thirst itself. I chain myself to

myself to myself to animal or government
or else I become a nesting doll of countries
and fear what faces outward. I see two options

filet myself and hope someone recognizes
the carcass, too, is a meal. Or steep myself
into a brownish broth. In one world, I am

a sum. In another, parts. In one, horse and
donkey and sterility in a mule shell. In another,
three steeds galloping toward the same impossible.


Pantoum on Mooring

moor – make fast (a boat) by attaching it by cable or rope to the shore
Chrysanthemum asks what is tethering me to this earth and the answer could have been
a dissolving knot, a pretended friction
there are many words for something that is here and not at the same time

Chrysanthemum asks what is tethering me to this earth and the answer could have been
some theory of gravity
there are many words for something that is here and not at the same time
moor – an expanse of open rolling infertile land, especially in Britain

some theory of gravity
presented by 11th grade English class substitute: moor:Black, moor ish :Black ish
moor – an expanse of open rolling infertile land, especially in Britain
language is grown enough to dress itself

presented by 11th grade English class substitute: moor:Black, moor ish :Black ish
a prefix can disrobe just as the suffix sheaths
language is grown enough to dress itself
which is not untrue

a prefix can disrobe just as the suffix sheaths
in my own words I am un moored in too many seasons
which is not untrue
I, too often, find myself dockless and overripe and cloaked in – ish

in my own words I am un moored in too many seasons
and oh, what ravishing joy to be adrift and loved
I, too often, find myself dockless and overripe and cloaked in – ish
and still reaching for her, a coast at which I can moor

and oh, what ravishing joy to be adrift and loved
a dissolving knot, a pretended friction
and still reaching for her, a coast at which I can moor
moor – make fast (a boat) by attaching it by cable or rope to the shore


Em Dial is a queer, triracial, chronically ill poet and educator born and raised in the Bay Area, California. A Kundiman Fellow and recipient of the 2019 Mary C. Mohr Poetry Award, her work also appears in or is forthcoming from Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Crab Creek Review, and Sonora Review.

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